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One country, two systems"" is a new domain in which we constantly explore new possibilities and make new progress in pioneering spirit. A summary of the policy's implementation in the HKSAR, and a comprehensive and correct understanding and implementation of the policy will prove useful for safeguarding China's sovereignty, security and development interests, for maintaining longterm prosperity and stability in Hong Kong, and for further promoting the ""one country, two systems"" practice along the correct track of development.回顾总结“一国两制”在香港特别行政区的实践历程,全面准确地理解和贯彻“一国两制”方针政策,有利于维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,有利于保持香港长期繁荣稳定,有利于继续推动“一国两制”实践沿着正确的轨道向前



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