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随着“一带一路”建设不断推进,沿线国家在感受到中国经济社会持续健康发展的同时,渴望了解中国发展的成功经验,相关图书的市场需求量增长较大。鉴于市场上“一带一路”图书英文版和中英文对照版较少,中国知网参考海外用户下载指数,从双语数据库中精选与“一带一路”相关的双语出版文献,推出加强“一带一路”建设学术研究的双语精选论文集,即《“一带一路”:走向开放、合作、共赢、繁荣——双语精选论文集》。该主题电子图书涵盖经济、文化等多个学科的学术文章,介绍中国优秀学者们从不同角度对于“一带一路”的看法,展示“一带一路”建设新进展、新成果。As the construction of the Belt and Road advances, countries along the Belt and Road further understand the sustained sound development of China’s economy and society and are increasingly interested in the successful experience of China, which brings a big increase in the market demand for related books. In view of the lack of English and Chinese-English bilingual books on the Belt and Road, CNKI carefully selected excellent bilingual literature on the Belt and Road from the JTP based on the download indexes of overseas CNKI end-users, and published the e-book A Selection of Papers on the Belt and Road: Towards Openness, Cooperation, Mutual Benefit and Prosperity. With the goal of promoting the academic research on the construction of the Belt and Road, this e-book covers a variety of disciplines, such as politics, diplomacy and culture, and introduces renowned Chinese scholars’ viewpoints on the Belt and Road from different perspectives. As a compilation of fruitful studies, this e-book comprehensively shows the new progress and achievements in the construction of the Belt and Road. 中国知网从双语数据库遴选主题相关文章40个刊300篇,经过主编复审及编辑部推荐确定最终入选18个刊53篇文章,约69万字。收录来自《东北亚论坛》、《世界经济与政治》、《中国工业经济》、《外交评论》、《经济研究》等代表期刊相关文章,作者来自于不同单位,如中国社会科学院的金碚、吴白乙、李向阳等,北京大学全球互联互通研究中心顾春光。The e-book consists of 53 JTP papers from 18 journals, with around 690,000 words in total, which were selected from 300 related papers of 40 journals in accordance with the review by the Editor-in-Chief and the recommendations from the journals’ editorial offices. In particular, this e-book has incorporated outstanding papers from representative journals, such as Northeast Asia Forum, World Economics and Politics, China Industrial Economics, Foreign Affairs Review and Economic Research Journal, whose authors are from top research institutions, such as Jin Bei, Wu Baiyi and Li Xiangyang from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and Gu Chunguang from the Research Center for Global Connectivity of Peking University. 本书分四部分:中国经济、世界经济、贸易投资、丝绸之路,内容以经济领域为主,如经济方向“一带一路”倡议沿线国家与地区的经贸合作,企业走出去及国际产能合作。This e-book is composed of four parts, including China’s Economy, World Economy, Trade & Investment, and the Silk Road. With economy as the main focus, the e-book also covers economic and trade cooperation between countries and regions along the Belt and Road, enterprises’ going out and international capacity cooperation.



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