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内容提要 Abstract

Emotion refers to the experience of attitude towards external things that comes with the process of cognition and consciousness. It is the reaction of human brain to the relationship between observing external things and subject needs. It is a kind of psychological activity mediated by individual needs. The research on emotions in psychology started late. In the late 20th century, with the rise of cognitive neuroscience and the development of various technologies and means such as functional magnetic resonance technology, event-related potential technology, multi-channel physiological recording technology, biofeedback technology, eye movement recording technology, cognitive behavioral experiments and even hormone measurement, researchers were able to explore emotions in a more scientific way. This book selects 39 high-quality papers from a large number of papers related to emotion research, and introduces the latest achievements of psychological research in factors that affect emotion, emotion regulation and the emotional influence, in order to provide readers with in-depth analysis.

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